More sales for your online shop.


thinkCONVERSION® ensures that your shop generates more sales - through a better conversion rate and more visitors. With extraordinary methods - and real success!

In a free strategy session, Jörg Dennis Krüger shows you how thinkCONVERSION® also works in your Online Shop Optimierung.

I am a conversion optimizer and growth hacker out of conviction. Already 20 years ago I researched the technical background, wrote the standard works for conversion optimization and content management in Germany - and successfully accompanied hundreds of companies on their way to more conversion, growth and success.

Our secret? thinkCONVERSION®!

The method developed by Jörg Dennis Krüger focuses entirely on pressing the right buttons to generate conversions. With this clear strategy, the tried and tested procedure and 1: 1 templates, we achieve extraordinary results.

We work with a real 360-degree approach - always with a focus on more conversions. We will show you how every potential (on and offsite - and often offline) is analyzed and, together with you, we will find ways to use this potential efficiently: target group-specific, product-specific, taking into account the individual goals and challenges, to implement technically efficiently - and of course conversion-strong and growth-optimized. Strategy, product / range, lead bait, conversion concept, technology, tracking, successful A / B tests, traffic generation, customer loyalty / nurturing and more. We go through this potential piece by piece and ensure significantly more sales - sustainably and efficiently.

With thinkCONVERSION® it's very easy: a structured approach, tried and tested concepts and experience with current trends, concepts and technologies. I accompany you every step of the way and in every phase, I provide all the necessary work equipment, provide templates and concepts - and much more: as digital consulting, training and coaching - and sometimes also full service.

Coaching & training

We make you and your team experts in thinkCONVERSION. In addition, individual coaching according to your needs = the fastest way to increase the sales of your shop. Jörg Dennis Krüger and his team support you individually in increasing your sales and making your shop more successful.

e-commerce Optimierung

eCommerce Optimierung is a holistic approach to improving your website and allowing visitors to easily convert into customers. From navigation and design to content and product descriptions, everything on your website should be intentionally leading users towards the end goal: purchasing your products or services.

In this section, I'll introduce some tools you can use to analyze your Shopify stores. Often times, the suggestions made by these tools can greatly improve your website.


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